Professional Services

General Contracting for
Building Projects

By offering one-stop engineering services through general contracting, Great Harvest creates maximum benefits for its customers. Related works include:

  • Pile caps, substructures and basements
  • Superstructures, steel structures, and composite RC frames
  • M&E installations
  • Roads, footbridges and drains
  • A&A (alternation and addition) works

Civil Engineering and
Foundation Projects

We undertake a wide range of civil and foundation projects, including:

  • Pilings, pile caps, substructures and basements
  • ELS
  • Slope work
  • Site formation

Projects Related to Curtain Walls,
Aluminum Windows and Claddings

We undertake a wide range of exterior decoration projects, including:

  • Aluminum cladding/ metal / feature walls
  • Curtain walls/ glass walls
  • Glass railings/ balustrades/ canopies/ skylights
  • Marble and stone works

Interior Fitting-out,
A&A Projects

We undertake a wide range of interior decoration projects, including:

  • Decorative glass and mirror finishing
  • Masonry and marble/stone works
  • Feature ceilings and walls
  • Hard-landscaping, joinery and wood works, steel and metal works
Great Harvest: the Competitive Edge

With a long-standing presence of almost 30 years in Hong Kong, Great Harvest has gone through years of development to become a diversified construction group. Companies under the Group are specialized in their respective fields and well-positioned to provide one-stop solutions that offer the highest level of synergy for customers. Our comprehensive engineering services cover design, construction and renovation and we can offer cost-effective, timely and quality services customized to customers’ conditions and requirements to ensure the highest levels of cost efficiency and quality assurance. Thanks to the Group’s extensive centuries-long experience, a proven philosophy of pragmatic management, sound supply chain management, coupled with a passionate commitment to dedicated service, we have delivered engineering projects winning the full satisfaction and long-term trust of our customers.

Our Mission

Quality services

  • Sense of proactiveness and a commitment to excellence
  • Customer focus and service dedication
  • Extensive experience and expertise
  • Keeping promises with a flexible approach to improvement

Cost-effective solutions

  • Closely monitoring supply chain performance
  • Pragmatic management with exceptional performance
  • Responsiveness to customer and market demands
  • Direct employment of quality labour

Punctual delivery

  • Timely completion and meticulous delivery of projects
  • Maximizing synergistic benefits and efficiently utilizing resources
  • A high level of management commitment and efficiency
  • Turnkey project management and one-stop service



Aggressive Construction Co. Ltd. has demonstrated its competence and management skills at various stages from commencement to final completion of the works.


Eddie Chan Architects Ltd.



Facing a very demanding timetable, their management team showed their commitment to achieve an earliest completion, while also achieving the Building Authority requirements for the completion of the project.


A+T Design



We considered “Aggressive” is an experienced and competent Contractor for similar superstructure works. We are satisfied with their overall performance in general and the abovementioned project was completed under our master programme.


Cheng Kong Property Holdings Limited



The Aggressive Construction Company Team showed their capability from high level strategic planning to hands-on problem solving skills on site and hence mobilized the project continuously till the project completion.
We have found them to be very responsive and capable to offer a professional contacting service. We are satisfied with their performance.


Lwk & Partners



“Aggressive” had demonstrated their co-operationness, experience and capability to carry out the above works under our construction schedule and substantially completed the project in May 2013. Their management has showed their strong commitment and effective responsive to our requirements.


CK Construction Management Limited



We considered “Aggressive” to be a reasonably competent contractor for undertaking similar nature of works.





“Aggressive” has demonstrated the required co-operation, due experience and co-ordination capability to carry out the above works under our construction schedule and completed the project in November 2010. Their management has showed their strong commitment to finished the project and proactively and diligently responded to our requirements for completion of works.


CK Construction Management Limited



We found that Aggressive Construction Co., Ltd. is a co-operative and competent contractor. We are satisfied with their overall performance and the contract was completed on time.


Cheung Kong Property Development Limited

Projects recently completed

Leveraging on its cutting edge, Great Harvest has completed a large number of major projects over the years for its customers in Hong Kong, Macau and Southeast Asia. The following is a representative sample of projects recently completed.

Mount Verdant
Mount Verdant
Hoi Lok Court
Hoi Lok Court
Harbour Glory
Harbour Glory
Ocean Pride
Ocean Pride
Yuccie Square
Yuccie Square
The Beaumount II
The Beaumount II
Continental Place
Continental Place
41 Heung Yip Road
41 Heung Yip Road
Stars By The Harbour
Stars By The Harbour
Trinity Towers
Trinity Towers

Our Connections


新聞稿 – 2023年10月15日

新聞稿 2023年10月15日   就2023 年 10月 10日下午於佐敦渡華路4號建築工地發生的意外,本公司對有一名工人蘇先生不幸離世深感難過,並向家屬致以深切慰問,盼他們早日釋懷。 公司代表於事件後立即主動聯絡蘇先生的家屬,並於2023年10月12日與其會面,表達慰問及關心,交代事件及瞭解他們的需要,盡力提供援助。 自事件發生後,本公司留意到有若干報導的內容與事實有落差。為免其家屬、社會大眾對事實有所誤解,故特此作出澄清,以釋疑慮,讓家屬得以釋懷。 本公司就事件作出以下澄清︰ 事發當日早上,地盤管理人員如常進行安全監察,根據記錄蘇先生與同組工友已妥善配戴安全帽及安全帶等裝備。根據監察,蘇先生於午飯後 1:21回到事發位置,地盤管理人員如常巡查到該事發位置,當時約下午 2:00,發現他倒在地上不省人事,並立即報警求助。救護員於 下午2:13到場,隨即將他送院搶救,並非如報導引述兒子所指逾一個多小時才報警,希望家屬更瞭解事件,並可釋懷。 蘇先生隸屬於一間持有政府認可牌照的機電公司,其工作團隊共有 7 位成員。事發後,據其他6 位同事所稱,他們考慮到蘇先生的年齡、約200磅的體型及安全,分配較輕省的崗位給他,即於既定位置的升降台操作電泊洛開關。除上述的工作外,蘇先生沒有被指派其他工作。…

澄清聲明 – 2023年6月29日

    澄清聲明 關於近日針對某大學校園工程項目的不實報導   本司謹此鄭重聲明,近日潘焯鴻先生在社交媒體發表有關本司作為總承建商參與某大學校園項目工程的言論具有不實陳述,並經傳媒廣泛報導。 本司特此作出以下聲明,以釋除謬誤及疑慮。 日前(2023年6月25日),潘先生於社交網站上載聲稱是該工程項目的相片,指該工程的混凝土(石屎)疑現蜂窩現象,牆身出現裂痕及露出鋼筋等問題,並指工程建築工藝和質素差劣。潘焯鴻先生同時聲稱收到懷疑是工程的內部通信文件,指問題在四月已經發現但情況沒有改善,並質疑工程有管理問題。若干媒體隨後轉述潘先生於社交網站上的有關帖文及相片,潘先生並接受了電視台訪問。 首先,本司必須澄清,有關報導所展示的照片及內部文件事實上是早於2023年4月28日到6月3日時拍攝的,並不反映目前該項目的施工工程的狀況。 該項目目前仍在施工階段,工程自2021年動工以來,並無發生任何重大事故。有關混凝土工程,在拆除混凝土構件的範本的工序時每個施工日均由本司與註冊結構工程師委任的適任技術人員及有關顧問團隊共同執行常規的工地審查,確保施工品質。有問題的混凝土是於本年4月底到6月初在逐步拆除混凝土構件的模板時在前述的共同常規的工地審查中發現。發現問題後,本司立即採取改善措施並與校方及顧問團討論修繕方案。本司與校方及顧問團隊正在積極處理該問題當中,以確保有關問題得到妥善解決。…

Company Activity – Mai Po Visit

自然生態保肓為可持續發展不可或缺的一環,本集團一直以來均關注建築期間對地盤周邊環境以及自然生態的影響,盡可能將工程時帶來的影響減至最低,從而達致可持續發展。 為進一步提昇集團同事對自然生態保育的意識及關注,集團主席、董事及管理層於2023年1月7日參加由世界自然基金會香港分會(WWF-Hong Kong)舉辦的「米埔自然遊」,在專業導賞員帶領下參觀米埔自然保護區,認識多種不同類型的濕地包括基圍(傳統蝦塘)、漁塘、紅樹林、蘆葦叢及淡水沼澤,活動中更可以親身感受大自然,增進對香港自然環境及可持續發展的認識。 集團希望透過活動,使各同事明白環境保護及自然保育的重要性,日後在工程施工期間,可以考慮更多保育措施,達致人與自然和諧共生。